Weekly Ketchup: January 17th, 2025
This week was a busy one. I realize starting this post with that sentence is dumb because EVERY week is a busy one! Whatever. It was a busy one. Here are the things I did this week.
I made lots of progress on the next batch of woodcuts. Last week I got everything cut and sanded so that I can lay down the glow in the dark resin layer and then start painting in the details.

I got accepted into the Market of the Strange next month which will be in Salem and I applied to another event in May.

I had fun drawing worms from my weekly newsletter. This time, I wanted to have a scene with words.

I also made a little time to work on a new video. I took footage of a plant holder that I made in November and am just now getting to it. It’s hard to make time for all the things. I’m hoping to get this video done by the end of the month.

Event prep:
Next week is Fan Expo, so I’m going through my inventory of art prints so that I can reprint a bunch of prints and make some new ones. I need to work ahead so that I can be ready!